Gitlab setup Via Docker

Dheeraj kumar
Nov 11, 2020

GitLab is an important DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking, and also it acts as a Continous Integration server providing various deployment pipeline features like creating your own runner, integrating docker registry with GitLab etc.

sudo docker run --detach --hostname 
--publish 80:80
--publish 22:22
--publish 443:443
--name gitlab-linode
--restart always
--volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab
--volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab
--volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab
--env GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG="external_url '';" gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest

Hostname: Your server DNS name.

GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: Your server DNS name followed by http

GitLab-ee:latest: It is the Gitlan Enterprise Edition docker image.

After running this command, browse to your server address you will prompt to change your administrator password,

After changing your password, you will redirected to a screen something like this:

Enter username as root and Password which you have just changed. This will be your administration password and username. For creating other users, use the register option.


  1. This Configuration is allowed to run the GitLab server on 80 port that is HTTP, if you want to run the server on a different port you can change this setting:- — publish 80:80 to — publish 8000:80
  2. This configuration has three volumes mapped to the container, and each one of them is required to persist the state of the Container whether it be config, data, or settings. If your container goes down for some reason, then your data will be persisted in that case.

